Has Social Media Finally Had Enough Of The Trend Slim Thick?
Are we at the point where the fad of being Slim Thick is fading away? If you look at TikTok, #slimthicc has over 328 million tags. This number has only doubled since last year. The number shows that the trend is on its way up and not down. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s still the most desirable body shape. After all, these things tend to come and go in waves. As we move towards hot weather and bikinis, more and more women will be posting their summer pics across social media. Is #slimthicc another way to make normal women feel bad for not having the perfect body shape? Or is it helping women embrace having curves again?
What Exactly Is Slim Thick?
This is a term that is typically used to describe a woman that has curves in all of the “right” places. This means they have a skinny/tight waist along with a flat stomach, but they are curvy in their thighs, hips, and bum. Typically, these women are seen as physically fit because they have a flat stomach yet have big butts and curvy hips.
New Words But Same Body?
The human body has been around for as long as people, duh! The term Slim Thick, while a contemporary term is new, the actual shape isn’t. The hourglass figure shape can be dated back to the 1950s when you would find posters of movie stars on it. The biggest difference between the hourglass shape and the new shape of Slim Thick is muscle tone. Slim Thick is more about being physically fit and toned rather than just curvy.
Figure Fads
Because the entire premise of being Slim Thick revolves around being muscularly toned, you could think of it as a healthier trend than some of the past trends. However, as with others, body trends are inherently unhealthy. Unfortunately, these body shape fads and trends have led to countless women suffering from insecurities and personal body dissatisfaction. A lot of our body and its shape comes from our genetics. If you are living at the right time for your respective genetic predisposition, you could feel great about yourself. If not, it’s time to start loving the body you are in instead of trying to conform to a body shape that isn’t healthy for your genetics and body.
The Catwalk
You can think about the term Slim Thick the same way you do about high fashion brands, models, and catwalks. The majority of us wouldn’t go out in half of the stuff you see being displayed by models on catwalks. The fact is, the models wouldn’t either. When you see the Kardashians and J-Lo’s perfect body shape, it’s all by design. It’s not real life. Not only do they use shapewear to try to achieve the perfect Slim Thick look, but a lot of the images you find on social media have been altered. These images aren’t the real thing. What you are seeing is a cartoonish version of what you would see in real life. The real-life version is so much more achievable for the everyday person. Therefore, you shouldn’t go on social media and feel bad about how you look.
Harness Your Shapewear
If you desire to conform to the Slim Thick trend, you could always leverage shapewear to help you achieve it. Shapewear can be strategically used to give you that slim waist and curvy waist that you desire. If your clothes are made ethically, it will help you make more ethical decisions too. In order to get ethical clothing, you can browse and check online shops via Google.
A lot of the celebrities that claim to be naturally ‘Slim Thick’ tend to use shapewear to tighten their waist. You can always use these products like corsets to refine your waist and to get your hips smoothed out. You’ll want to choose the right products to compress your body. It’s always a good idea to go for lighter compression if you are going to be wearing it for a long time. This can help you achieve the silhouette you desire.